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How to setup a campaign

Created on 1 December, 2022Campaigns • 530 views

Learn how to setup a campaign on Fansjet

Setting up your first social proof campaign

This is your first step you need to go through in order to start using Fansjet social proof notifications. 

Follow the below steps to create your first social proof campaign on Fansjet:

  • Click on the add campaign button

  • Next it's time name your campaign

  • Add the domain name you want the notifications to appear on - This is the url / domain name of the website where the campaign is going to run. Notifications will NOT work on any other domain other than what you define here.

  • Select if you’d like to add also sub domains associated with your main domain

  • Click Create

  • Copy and paste the Pixel Code Snippet before the end of the <head> tag of your website.

That’s it. You are done in creating your first social proof campaign on Fansjet.

Next up is to create a notification under your campaign.