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How to setup notifications

Created on 1 December, 2022Notifications • 491 views

Learn how to setup notifications

Setting up your social proof notifications

Before setting up your notifications you need to make sure you have setup a campaign.

Follow the below steps to create your social proof notifications on Fansjet:

  • Select the campaign you want to create the notification under.

  • Click on the Create notification button

  • Next it's time to choose the type of notification you want to add to your website / product.

  • Once chosen, scroll down and click the Create button

  • Each notification has it's own settings. Follow the instructions on screen

  • When ready, click the Update button. *Please note that the notification does not go live when you click the Update button.

  • To switch the notification on or off all you need to do is flip the switch found on the top of the notification settings page or on the notifications page.

That’s it. You are done in creating your first social proof notification on Fansjet.